Clayton Van Horn
Podcast Director
Michael Clinesmith
Music Co-Director
I'm a senior computer science major from Lake View, Iowa, and I've been the music director at KBVU since my sophomore year. As a huge fan of stand-up, my favorite podcast is the Bill Burr Monday Morning Podcast. And, finally, one interesting fact about me is that I own almost $100 worth of “Weird Al” Yankovic merchandise.
Tanner Frost
Sports Co-Director
Hello there! My name’s Tanner Frost, and I’m a Senior Digital Media major. I’m acting as KBVU’s Sports Director for the fourth year. Check out my weekly sports recap show Sports on the Edge on Monday’s at 4:00-5:00 and listen to my new podcast The Entertainment Hour discussing all things media every Sunday. Go, Beavers!
Daniel Meissner
Sports Co-Director
Hi! I am Daniel Meissner. Ina the Sports Co-Director for KBVU! My job includes calling sporting events in campus and running sports boards. I am also one of three host for KBVU sports podcast ScoreCheck! My favorite Non-KBVU podcast is Through The Wire from house of highlights. I am a huge Wisconsin sports fan, On Wisconsin!
Joshua Tigges
Hello everyone, I'm Joshua Tigges a freshman here at Buena Vista University and host of The Positive Point podcast! My favorite podcast to listen to in my free time is titled Positive Perspectives, it really makes you step back and reflect on your life while focusing on the present moment! I hope you're able to do the same with the content I produce, and remember... keep it positive!
Graphic Designer
Autumn McClain
Social Media Director